Sunday, April 23, 2017

What the Heck?

NumenOn the Water

Date:  April 23, 2017

Body of Water:  Reeds Lake
Boat:  Numenon
With:  BL
Target:  CIR Largemouth Bass
Time:  8 AM - 12:30 PM
Conditions: Clear skies; westerly winds less than 10 mph; very clear water (more than 5 feet of clarity); water temperature 54-55 degrees F; air temps from 35 to 60 degrees.

Based on an excellent season to date and  these results 52 weeks ago, I had high expectations for the day. From a catching perspective, these never materialized.

Waiting for BL's arrival in the AM, I spent 15 minutes or so entertaining myself in some weedy and shallow water around some docks with a senko.  I didn't catch anything, but I saw a sizable bass and the first bluegills of the season appeared to be flooding the shallows.  This only bolstered my confidence as we approached our first spot of the morning.

We ultimately worked through the entire season's productive water and a few other spots without a bump.  We each saw a bass following our lures (a jerk for BL and a square bill rooting the bottom for me), and I set my hooks into a variety of bottom debris, but nothing  ever bit.  I generally maintained the boat in 5 or 6 feet of water, I maintained a lot of contact with the favored green weeds, and we both explored both shallower and deeper waters.  BL favored jerks, cranks and jigs, and I went through a long list of cranks (shallow and deep), jerks (shallow and deep), rattle-baits, spy-baits and the chatter-bait.  I worked pretty hard at getting something to go; I simply never gained any traction, today.

What do I have to say about this?

I've got little to add, other than to ask "What the heck?"  Other than the post cold-front conditions and the surprisingly clear water, I can't explain our lack of success. I had more confidence working specific, known, productive pre-spawn areas than to search out off-shore or deep-water fish.  With absolutely nothing going on, we left before the lake got too busy.

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